Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring break...time to update

Gosh I haven't posted on here in like forever! I always check in on everybody, but it just seems like I never have the time to write. I'm on spring break this week so I finally found a minute. Things are going good. I'm still taking 18 units, which translates into 6 classes. I actually have all A's and high B's in all except for one class, so I'm doing pretty good.

The kids are doing well. Lauren is getting ready to go to her first high school prom! I can't believe it! My lil girl is growin up! *sniff* She's a good kid. I've really been blessed.

My recovery is stronger than ever. I'm going to meetings all the time. I've built a great support group and I'll be done with the 12 steps this week! WooHoo! I'm being asked to speak at group level a lot now. Me and my big mouth! lol

Recently, my sponsor told me that I very "theatrical" when I spoke. I took huge offense to this. It was as if she said I was "acting"! I told her that I preferred "passionate". But whatever...to each his own. I'm just so frickin grateful to be alive and to be allowed the life that I have today. If I get a lil excited when I talk about it...then I think that's a good thing! :-)

So, today I'm going shopping with my girlfriend and then hanging out at the house. Exciting isn't it? lol Have a great day! :-)


  1. Nothing wrong with having passion in your life...

  2. Passionate is a much better way to describe it. Have a good break!

  3. as was said....passionate is good

  4. You are right, passionate is much better! I am so proud of you! ((HUGS))
