Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Hearts Day...

My how things have changed! My daughter is out with her boyfriend tonight for Valentine's Day. I'm home with the boy's tonight. It's been a little tradition of mine as of late to take myself to the movies on saturday nights. This is something that I could of never done in the past. I see it as some real personal growth. Being able to be comfortable enough in my own skin to go somewhere alone is an amazing feeling. I've seen some really good movies lately too! But tonight I'll stay home with my two little valentine's and watch some cartoons. Happy Hearts Day everybody! Much love to you all :-)


  1. Have a lovely night in with your babies. I also had a quiet but enjoyable V day evening at home (last night for us downunder). Bought myself some chocolate and watched a movie - was alone but not lonely.

  2. Going out alone is very freeing!
    Happy Valentine's Day Cin. *hugs*

  3. Happy Valentines Day to you too! I love going out to eat by myself. Just me and a book. I'm pretty good company too! Never tried the movies. I'll have to do that.

  4. I hope your VD was great........wait that doesn't sound right, does it?

  5. saint-sinner~ Thank you my friend

    Lou~ Thank you! I'm glad that you had a pleasant evening as well. :-)

    kate~ I couldn't agree with you more!

    greeneyes~ Try it! It's so much fun!

    yacky~ It sounded just right coming from you! lol Thanks my dear friend
